Brooklyn Hilary

On February 1, 1992, the song "I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred topped the charts and stayed there for 4 weeks.

You should probably watch the video.

Thank you to Rick (silav) for the shirt, cat, car, and hat!
On January 29, 1964, Children of the Damned (directed by Anton Leader) was released in the US. Here I am as Nina...from Russia...
On January 28, 1912, Jackson Pollock was born.

Rick and I started our own Jackson Pollock painting today. It's not so hard. ;)

I learned that, with the seats down, you can fit a 9' roll of paper into a Ford Focus.
On January 27, 1832, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was born. You probably know him as Lewis Carroll!

This photo is mostly Mad Hatter, but several characters managed to sneak in...

I got the hat and the ascot at Ozzie Dots on Hollywood Blvd. I love that store. And the woman who helped me was super nice. I added the ribbon to make it less leprechaun-y and made the sign. The pocket watch belonged to Rick's grandfather. The mug and plate are from Pier 1 Imports.

This was a super-fun costume to put together!
On January 24, 1908, the first Boy Scout troop was founded at Brownsea Island, England by Lord Robert Baden-Powell.

As a young girl, I would have joined the boy scouts in a second. I had no interest whatsoever, however, in joining the Girl Scouts. That didn't stop me from eating the cookies, though.
On January 23, 1849, Elizabeth Blackwell became the first woman in America to receive a medical degree! She graduated from the Medical Institution of Geneva, N.Y.

I don't want to be a doctor, but I sure am glad lots of women do. :)
On January 22, 1953, the Arthur Miller drama "The Crucible" opened on Broadway.

And on this day in 2010, I learned to tie a noose.
On January 21, 1942, Count Basie recorded "One O'Clock Jump".

I took, edited, and uploaded this while on the phone with my friend Davey.
Happy birthday to David Lynch, born on January 20, 1946!

I decided to do a tribute to Rabbits (2002), know...we have a rabbit suit in the house. ;) You can see Episode 1 on YouTube!

ENJOY! I did. :D
On January 19, 1954, photographer Cindy Sherman was born.

From 2003-2004, Sherman did a series of clown self-portraits... I have been planning on doing a tribute to those for a long time! You can see one of my favorites here:

Thank you to Rick for the make-up!