Brooklyn Hilary

Once in a while, I mess up on the dates of something and so have to make a decision about what to do with it.

I took this photo thinking that the movie Be Kind Rewind was released on February 28, but it was released on the 22nd!

So I looked at the other possible dates for the film and picked the release date in SWEDEN!

As you know, if you've seen Michel Gondry's film, Jack Black's character accidentally erases every single video in a rental shop.  The easiest possible fix to this solution was to re-make all the films himself!  Right? The process, they claim, is called "sweding".

The first film they re-make is Ghostbusters.

Here I am sorta sweding the sweded version of Ghostbusters - specifically the library scene. I ain't afraid of no ghosts.


Rick made my awesome costume with aluminum foil and duct tape.  I made the Ghostbusters sign with construction paper.  The book is hanging from a hook in the ceiling with fishing line and a fish hook.

This was FUN.

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